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The new Slopefield "sunflower" logo designed by Sandy Menzies was adopted by the committee in February and this will now be used on all SAA literature, business cards,signage, notice boards and website.

Slopefield now has Facebook and Twitter pages with all the latest news from the allotments.

A trail camera was purchased and set up for biodiversity recording to monitor our mammal, bird and insect life.

There were 4 "Open Hut Surgery" talks throughout the year with Annie Robinson from Aberdeen University giving a talk on the scourge of New Zealand flatworms, Matt Aitkenhead from the James Hutton Institute gave us a talk on "UN Year of the Pulse,"  Cath Pilley and Greg Welsh talked about the work of TAMS, and Jennifer Brodie, from Remin Volcanic Rock Dust, spoke about the  remineralisation of the soil.

Our new magnetic noticeboard on the community plot was erected as was new signage for the front gate and Hutton Hut.

The community poly tunnel situated on the Airyhall school plot was completed by a dedicated team lead by Terry Stott.

A great article written by Rose Toney, North East Scotland Biodiversity co-ordinator from the James Hutton Institute, appeared in the June IYN newsletter entitled "Green Fingers, Green Space, Green Awards" and beautifully illustrates the 3 way partnership formed between Slopefield Allotments, Airyhall School and the James Hutton Institute to provide a safe learning environment for children to become more aware of where their food comes from and provide biodiversity enhancements for local wildlife.

Slopefield scarecrow competition is announced to fit in with the Keep Scotland Beautiful 5oth anniversary theme.

SAA and Airyhall school get involved with a citizen Science project in conjunction with the University of Sussex called "Bees n Beans" which teaches the children all about pollination by insects and it's importance to our food chain.

Once again SAA achieve an "Outstanding" and a further award of a 'Certificate of Distinction' in the 2016 It's Your Neighbourhood awards scoring 96 points out of a possible 100.

A very successful barbecue with competitions was held in September and a good time was had by all.

Our new website has been designed and completed by Sandy Menzies.

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